In his autobiography, Marching Along, John Philip Sousa writes that he composed the march on Christmas Day 1896.
Licence: This media file is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" from the U.S. Copyright Office.
Works published before 1923 are now in the public domain and also in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris in this case John Philip Sousa March 6, 1932) and that most commonly run for a period of 50 to 70 years from December 31st of that year.
Performed by The U.S. Marine Corps Band, Generally speaking, works created by U.S. Government employees are not eligible for copyright protection in the United States. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" from the U.S. Copyright Office.
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